Jim and I have used Raggtop cleaner & protectant every time we clean our Jeep Wrangler’s soft top and vinyl windows for years now.
We’ve been extremely loyal to this product because it works so well. Plus, it’s quite popular in the Jeeping industry, and Jeep owners highly recommend it.
We’ve pretty much been using Raggtop products since Day One when we bought our Jeep over 7 years ago.
However, we recently tried a new product on our Jeep Wrangler soft top, vinyl windows, and all of the glass windows too.
It’s called Clear View Plastic & Glass Cleaner. We followed up with Clear View Plastic Polish & Protectant on the soft top & vinyl windows afterward.
The results: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
Clear View Plastic & Glass Cleaner Review
Here’s why we like Clear View products so well (and will continue to buy more when these bottles run out)…
#1: It comes in an aerosol can, rather than a pump. Both work fine, but an aerosol is a bit easier to use throughout the entire cleaning process. Your trigger finger gets a little tired after all the pump spraying that’s required to clean the entire Jeep Wrangler soft top… and windows. Plus, the Clear View didn’t drip like Raggtop sometimes does.

#2: The aerosol spray also makes it easier to reach higher spaces (like the top of the Jeep soft top) and into corners — because the spray is finer, stronger, and more direct than a pump spray. As a bonus, the aerosol spray gets into the textured surface of the Jeep soft top quite well. These photos show how just one spray of the Clear View Cleaner followed by one wipe along the bottom portion of the soft top below the window made a huge difference!

#3: It leaves the surface feeling super smooth. It’s like there’s an added protectant in the cleaner itself… even before we used the Clear View Protectant on the Jeep soft top and windows.
#4: The Clear View Protectant just puts the icing on the cake. It’s designed to fill in fine scratches on plastic & vinyl. It made our extremely dirty Jeep Wrangler soft top look almost new with very little effort. I can’t wait to see if the Protectant helps to keep our dog’s drool (that ends up coating the outside sail panels) from sticking over time.

#5: There’s no ammonia in these Clear View products – so we felt safe using both the Cleaner and the Protectant on our brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle (a 2013 Road Glide Ultra) as well. The bug guts were the biggest issue — on the windshield — and the Clear View cleaned ’em off with hardly any effort at all. It cleaned the rest of the bike just as well. (It can be used on all painted surfaces and chrome, in addition to plastic and glass.)

#6: It works extremely well on bugs! I’m not kidding. Dried on bug guts were no problem for the Clear View Cleaner. Very little rubbing was required. This was true on both our Jeep’s glass windshield and our motorcycle’s plastic windshield. If you drive your vehicles a lot… then this is a life saver. (Up til now, we had been using Bugslide which works pretty well too.)
#7: In fact, the Clear View Cleaner is a remarkable glass cleaner all by itself. Not only did it clean the Jeep’s glass windshield and side windows effortlessly, but they remained streak-free from the get-go. So this product could serve double-duty in your home as well (glass shower doors, windows, microwave, etc).

#8: I’m frugal and don’t like to spend more when I don’t have to. Good news: the Clear View products are half the price of Raggtop and another close competitor that’s also highly rated, Plexus!
From the manufacturer:
Clear View works on just about any non-porous surface including windows, plexiglass, plastics, exhaust systems and more. Use Clear View on cars, boats, motorcycles, in your home… even on sunglasses!
From one Jeep owner to another, I would encourage you to try the Clear View Plastic & Glass Cleaner (and Protectant) on your Jeep soft top and windows. And if you’ve got a motorcycle too — like us — then you’ll appreciate it even more.
If you’ve tried Clear View, I’d love to hear what you think…

Where To Find Clear View Plastic & Glass Cleaner
Clear View products are from Aviation Laboratories.
You can also find them on Amazon:
UPDATE: For a limited time, you can use the promocode NEW-PROMO here to get 1 fullsize bottle of Clear View Plastic & Glass Cleaner + 1 fullsize bottle of Clear View Plastic Polish & Protectant + 2 microfiber Rain Wipe towels for FREE! (You just pay shipping.)