Today's golf carts are actually called golf cars and most have a number of custom features added, resulting in a highly personalized vehicle... that's practical too! Check out these luxury electric vehicles and custom golf carts...
The red Jeep, a 1978 CJ6, that Tim and Faith borrowed and drove a few times when they were dating was later found by Faith and given to him as a gift after they were married
Got an afternoon (or a weekend) to kill? How about 70 bucks or so? Then do like we did... be spontaneous, pack some snacks, maybe some camping gear, and rent a JEEP!
Here's how we spent our weekend in Gatlinburg, Tennessee this time. Sometimes we get bonus points for being spontaneous. Other times we consider ourselves complete idiots for our lack of planning!
Jim has wanted a Jeep Wrangler for years. But, his desire to own this fun convertible had rapidly progressed from a "want" to a "whine" in recent months. Much the same way we used to shout "Slug Bug!" as...