Articles Tagged:

Soft Tops

In case you're thinking of buying a Jeep... or taking your little one for a ride in a Jeep someday soon... I found some interesting things about kids and Jeeps that you might enjoy.

The biggest reason Jim and I would use these soft top vents is to help 'de-pressurize the cabin' so to speak. You know, when you're riding around and the Jeep soft top windows start to bulge until you crack a window? There are a lot of other reasons why Jeep window vents are good. Here's why.

Wondering how to open the Sunrider portion of the Jeep soft top -- so you're riding around as if you have the sunroof open (rather than lowering the entire soft top on your Jeep)? Here are the step-by-step instructions for turning your Jeep Wrangler's soft top into a sun roof...

If you've got a Jeep Wrangler and you need a new soft top for your Jeep, there are actually a number of replacement soft tops to choose from. Here is what's available in terms of replacement soft tops for Jeep Wranglers.

When the soft top is down on our Jeep, we use the Clover Patch Jeep Window Cover to protect and store the Jeep's windows. We like this one best because the Clover Patch is an all-in-one system -- so everything stays in the Jeep! Yet it's completely out of the way and you don't even notice it's there.

Annual Jeep Go Topless Day offers prizes and a chance at 15 minutes of fame. See photos of all the Jeep owners that participated by going topless here...

Here's a run-down of everything you need to consider if your Jeep has a soft top...

Here's a video we made that shows how to remove the soft top from a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited by yourself.

After you've cleaned your Jeep windows, here's what you need to know about protecting them for years of use (and abuse). We tell you about the three best products for protecting plastic and vinyl Jeep windows, plus reasons you might want to steer clear of furniture polishes like Pledge, window cleaners like Windex, and even automotive protectants like Armor All.