Fun Jeep StuffOutdoor Fun

What Fun Jeep Things Are On Your Bucket List?…

A friend of ours took this pic on a recent roadtrip:


It got me thinking about all the Jeep stuff that’s currently on my own bucket list.

Buy a Jeep Wrangler” was on my list pretty much ever since I could drive, as evidenced by this scrapbook page I made after college:


Now that that one’s been accomplished (4 times over… we’re on our 4th Jeep now!), it’s time to get busy on all those fun things we’ve been meaning to do in our Jeep and all the fun places we’ve been meaning to go.

Here are a few:


Here are 2 of the bucket list type Jeep things that I can cross off at this point:

So, what’s on your Jeep bucket list?…

Check out this list of Must-Do Offroad Adventures For Your Jeep Bucket List