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Lynnette Walczak

Since we’ve been married, my husband and I have owned 5 Jeeps (3 Wranglers and 2 Grand Cherokees). And when we’re not driving our own Jeep, we’re usually renting one (a 4x4 Wrangler on vacation). We keep a Jeep Bucket List of places that we’d like to go next, and we're always crossing more states off our list of 'Places That We’ve Jeeped in the USA'. As our daily driver, we keep the soft top on our Jeep Wrangler year round (and the back window permanently rolled up) so the dogs can enjoy the ride. Yep... even in the winter! I've been sharing my best Jeep ideas with others by blogging full-time since 1998. When I’m not Jeeping or writing about Jeeps, you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Here's everything you need to know to find a geocache, hide a geocache, and get started Geocaching for the first time. All you need is a sense of adventure!

Last year, Jeep had a fun contest where they hid Jeep Travel Bugs all across the U.S. and with the aid of a GPS, you could participate in their geocaching game to win fun prizes. This year, there's no such game -- yet -- but they do have an online version of Jeep geocaching that they're letting people download and play for free. Check it out!

Are you enjoying the "Dog Days of Summer"? Chances are, you and your dog are probably going on a lot of Jeep rides these days. Right? know we are. Our dog loves Jeep rides! Check out this photo contest hosted by All Things Jeep!...There are prizes!

The biggest reason Jim and I would use these soft top vents is to help 'de-pressurize the cabin' so to speak. You know, when you're riding around and the Jeep soft top windows start to bulge until you crack a window? There are a lot of other reasons why Jeep window vents are good. Here's why.

Wondering how to open the Sunrider portion of the Jeep soft top -- so you're riding around as if you have the sunroof open (rather than lowering the entire soft top on your Jeep)? Here are the step-by-step instructions for turning your Jeep Wrangler's soft top into a sun roof...

My review of the FG50 Freedom Grill. We also have a lot of the Freedom Grill accessories, too. Here's why we love the Freedom Grill FG-50...

We had a hard top for our '90 Jeep Wrangler. We used the hard top in the winter and a bikini top in the summer. Here are the best hard tops for Jeep Wranglers...

If you've got a Jeep Wrangler and you need a new soft top for your Jeep, there are actually a number of replacement soft tops to choose from. Here is what's available in terms of replacement soft tops for Jeep Wranglers.

I have to think that there's an unspoken rivalry between Jeeps and Hummers and the people who own them. It's all in good fun, of course. Or not... So, does anyone REALLY care that the Hummer might be on its way out?