Articles Tagged:

Jeep Hair

Here are some excellent hair products for Jeep & convertible owners that will help to maintain your hairdo when your Jeep top is off.

by zombieite on Flickr

When you've got a Jeep, motorcycle, or convertible... you have messy hair a lot. These wind-proof hair products help you look wind-BLOWN not wiped OUT!

See why these are my top 3 picks for summertime Jeep add ons: #1 Summer Jeep top, #2 Windjammer or windscreen, #3 Jeep window tinting.

Tips for Jeep owners with Sunrider Soft Tops. When rain is inevitable, but your Sunrider Top is open -- or your Soft Top is entirely down -- here are the best places to put the top up in a hurry. Plus, how to do it quick and info about the Jeep window storage bag we use.