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Ready to tackle a DIY Jeep project?... If you ever have the opportunity to get your hands on an old Jeep, the availability of Jeep parts is nothing short of amazing. The demand for parts has generated an aftermarket supply chain that will keep even the oldest Jeeps running indefinitely. Here are some ideas for rebuilding or restoring an old Jeep...

The red Jeep, a 1978 CJ6, that Tim and Faith borrowed and drove a few times when they were dating was later found by Faith and given to him as a gift after they were married

Tips for Jeep owners with Sunrider Soft Tops. When rain is inevitable, but your Sunrider Top is open -- or your Soft Top is entirely down -- here are the best places to put the top up in a hurry. Plus, how to do it quick and info about the Jeep window storage bag we use.