Articles for category: Fun Jeep Stuff, Outdoor Fun

Jeep Clubs: Top 4 Reasons To Join A Jeep Club

If you own a Jeep, then it's probably a good idea to join a Jeep club. Some Jeep clubs are well-structured and have membership rules -- and possibly even fees which go toward group events. Others are loosely structured and have a 'come & go as you please' attitude. Here's why it makes sense to become familiar with the Jeep clubs in your area, and why you should consider joining one soon...

Chilton vs Haynes Auto Repair Manuals: Which Is The Best For DIYers?

The top 2 auto repair manuals are Chilton manuals and Haynes repair manuals. As a DIYer working on your own vehicle, you'll need to decide which one will serve your needs best. I can help by showing you how these 2 popular auto repair manuals are different from one another -- with examples. See the one MAJOR difference between Chilton vs. Haynes manuals and which one most DIYers prefer.